DevJams '22

807 Registered Allowed team size: 2 - 4
807 Registered Allowed team size: 2 - 4

This campaign is over.

idea phase
starts on:
Sep 02, 2022, 11:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 29, 2022, 07:55 AM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Sep 30, 2022, 10:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Oct 02, 2022, 08:30 AM UTC (UTC)


Hacking is building things that you always wanted to have but no one has built it yet. It's to come up with an amazing idea and work tirelessly on it. It is to fail, fail again and fail better. Try out new things and learn while doing that. It's to work together, collaborate and build things that are innovative. It is to be a better programmer.

With that spirit, VIT, Vellore is conducting a hackathon - DevJams '22 and invites all developers and hackathon enthusiasts to participate in an interesting and engaging hackathon.



More and more artists are incorporating digital technology into their creative or presentation processes. Help artists realize their ingenuity and inventive prowess through tailormade artisan tools.

Open Innovation

Have an avant-garde idea which you are eager to implement to fruition? Then open innovation is the track for you. Let your innovative mind run amok and showcase your Promethean solution that could come to aid.

Friends and Family

Today’s technology gives us so many ways to facilitate contact and conversation with our friends and family. Engineer an approach to reach out to the people you love and connect in fun and meaningful ways.

Hybrid World (AR/VR)

We are on the verge of a fascinating, expansive, and imaginative epoch. By fusing the physical and virtual worlds, ideate a solution that can extend reality and experience, profoundly transforming the way we live, work, and play.

Digital Accessibility

As technology continues to touch more lives every day, it becomes our responsibility to make sure that every group is able to make fair use of technology without any lingual or ableist barrier. Come up with solutions to bridge this gap and make tech accessible to everyone.

Professional Tools

We have transitioned our lives from analog to digital in mere decades, but this transition has not been smooth for many professionals who are yet to see the benefits from this. Help professionals and developers alike to integrate their workflows using unique digital age tools and enjoy the rapid advancements made in tech.

Security Track By Uptycs

Problem Statement: Identifying malicious browser extensions (Minimum requirement - on Google Chrome, however teams can also identify for other web browsers such as Firefox, etc.)

Blockchain Tracks By Algorand Foundation

A variety of problem statements are available on this track. These include:

Most creative dapp on Algorand

  • Build the most creative infrastructure or solution on algorand, the more complex and more features you have, the more deserved the prize. This bounty is for those builders who want to go beyond normal and status-quo dapps.

Most accessible dapp on Algorand

  • Blockchain is for everyone, and this bounty is for the builder who can enable most people to use their dapp, think of a massive and scalable solution.

Sustainable future bounty

  • The greener blockchain wants to recognize the devs who want to create the future of sustainability with us. This bounty is focused on seeking the project that can bring the most meaningful social and sustainable impact on the world.

Digital assets bounty

  • Blockchain for digital assets revolves around the creation of unique digital representations of assets that go beyond traditional financial instruments. This bounty is for builders who build solutions around digital assets Use the Algorand Blockchain to build. Examples: Digitized art, music, video, and copyrights using the Algorand blockchain and a distributed storage system such as IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).

Best tooling for Algorand

  • Blockchain tools are significant to improving hands-on experience with Algorand blockchain.This bounty is for those builders who want to build developer tooling for Algorand ecosystem.


Main Prizes
First Place
INR 70000
Second Place
INR 40000
Third Place
INR 20000
Special Prizes
Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry

GoDaddy Registry is giving you everything you need to be the best hacker no matter where you are. Register your domain name with GoDaddy Registry for a chance to win a Hack from Home Kit! Each Kit contains wireless earbuds, blue light glasses, selfie ring light and a pouch for easy transport.

Most Creative Use of GitHub

Get a chance to win a GitHub Octocat Puzzle & Sticker bundle.

Best Use of Appwrite

Use Appwrite in your hack this weekend for a chance to take home some Fitbits for you and your team.


Help & Support

Please contact event admin
Meherdeep Thakur at
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